Knee Replacement Surgery Are There Total Knee Replacement Options, Other Than Traditional Artificial Joint Replacement Surgery?

Are there total knee replacement options, other than traditional artificial joint replacement surgery? - knee replacement surgery

I am looking for alternatives to traditional surgery for knee replacement. I wonder, arthritis and orthopedic patients who are known or as "organic" (natural), joint replacement, compared with bionics "(artificial) joint replacement. I would also like from people who hear of any other solution currently available knowledge on total knee replacement. Thank you.


My Kid's Mom said...

Homeopathy helps avoid surgery in many cases.

ellenmor... said...

We are in the same boat.

One solution is called "UNISPACE" but people use the cartilage in the knee. If the cartilage on both sides of the knee or placed externally, it seems that this approach can be useful UNISPACE. (I fall into this category.)

What is a Google search for alternatives to knee replacement, which will bring a lot of links. But here's a link to the UNISPACE ACS.

There are some links that show the work in Sweden on renewable sources of cartilage. I have not found this site quite legitimately, but.

If you are suitable for the UNISPACE that can solve your problem to them.

Good luck!

abacaxit... said...

Ask your orthopedist on the artificial joint fluid. SYNOVISC (I think). Work to delay surgery.

Biological therapies are present in the experimental phase. Regenerative cartilage and ligaments would be ideal, but we're not there yet.

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